
Refinancing a Home in California

When do you know it’s time to refinance? Here are several reasons one might decide it’s time: Lower Interest Rates: Benefit: Reducing the interest rate on a mortgage can lower monthly payments and save thousands of dollars over the life of the loan.Example: If a homeowner originally took out a mortgage with a 7% interest […]

HELOC Home Improvement Refinance

Home Improvement VS Capital Improvement

The distinction between regular home improvement and capital improvements is important for homeowners to understand, especially for financial planning, tax purposes, and property valueassessment. Here’s an explanation of each term and their differences: Regular Home Improvement Regular home improvements are repairs or upgrades that maintain or enhance the current condition and functionality of a home. […]


10 Reasons You May Want to Refinance

Refinancing can be a smart financial move for various reasons: 1. Lower Interest Rates Refinancing allows you to replace your current loan with a new one at a lower interest rate. This can significantly reduce your monthly payments and the total interest you pay over the life of the loan. 2. Reduced Monthly Payments By […]

Appraisals Buyers Refinance

How Does an Appraisal Impact My Mortgage?

How Does an Appraisal Impact My Mortgage? A home appraisal is an essential step in the mortgage application process that involves determining the fair market value of a property. It is conducted by a licensed and certified appraiser who assesses various aspects of the home to provide an unbiased and professional opinion on its value. […]

Going Green HELOC Refinance

15 Tips and Tricks to Going Green

15 Tips and Tricks to Going Green Creating a green and sustainable home involves adopting practices and making choices that are environmentally friendly. Here are some tips on ways to make your home more green: Energy Efficiency Install Energy-Efficient Appliances: Choose appliances with high Energy Star ratings to reduce energy consumption.Use LED Bulbs: Switch to […]

HELOC Refinance Sellers

Updating Your Home

Updating Your Home Updating an outdated home can be a rewarding project that adds value and enhances your living space. Here’s a detailed guide on how to update an outdated home Assessment and Planning Evaluate the entire house and identify areas that need improvement. Consider the functionality, aesthetics, and safety aspects. Prioritize renovations based on […]

Buyers Closing Costs Mortgage Loans Refinance

Closing Disclosure Explained

Closing Disclosure Explained The Closing Disclosure is a comprehensive five-page document that furnishes conclusive details regarding the mortgage loan you’ve chosen. It outlines the loan terms, provides a projection of your monthly payments, and delineates the fees and additional costs associated with obtaining your mortgage, commonly referred to as closing costs. Mandatory by regulation, the […]

Buyers Mortgage Loans Refinance

Explore Flexible Mortgage Terms: Choose Any Duration Between 8 and 30 Years

Explore Flexible Mortgage Terms: Choose Any Duration Between 8 and 30 Years Having the flexibility to choose a mortgage loan term ranging from 8 to 30 years offers numerous benefits for borrowers. Customized repayment period means borrowers can tailor the loan term to their financial situation and goals. Shorter terms, like 8 to 20 years, […]

Buyers Closing Costs Mortgage Loans Realtor® Resources Refinance

Understanding Loan Origination Fees

Understanding Loan Origination Fees When diving into the mortgage process, various fees emerge, with one common charge being the loan origination fee imposed by your mortgage broker for initiating your loan. These fees are not set in stone and can vary among brokers. Closing costs encompass the loan origination fee along with other charges like […]

Buyers Mortgage Loans Realtor® Resources Refinance

The Mortgage Broker Advantage

The Mortgage Broker Advantage When it comes to securing a mortgage, many individuals instinctively turn to their local bank as the go-to option. However, there’s a compelling case for considering the services of a mortgage broker, and in this case, Treasury Funds Home Loans, Inc. stands out as a noteworthy choice. The question then arises: […]