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California Proposition 33 November 2024

California Proposition 33 November 2024

Proposition 33, on California’s November 2024 ballot, aims to expand the authority of local governments to impose rent control on residential properties. If passed, it would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, which currently limits rent control on certain types of housing, including single-family homes, condos, and buildings constructed after 1995. The repeal would also give local governments the option to introduce vacancy control, which restricts rent increases when a tenant moves out.

While Proposition 33 doesn’t mandate rent control statewide, it removes state-level restrictions, giving cities and counties the choice to expand tenant protections. Some municipalities may choose to implement stronger rent control measures, while others may not take any action.

Supporters argue that this flexibility could help address California’s housing affordability crisis by providing more protections for renters. However, opposition from landlord groups, real estate organizations, and developers warns that rent control could reduce incentives for property owners to build and maintain rental housing, potentially worsening the housing supply crisis.

This measure continues the ongoing debate in California about the role of rent control in solving the state’s housing challenges.